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Just realize that what you think are certain in life aren’t certain either. Thank you, good night everybody!
No but seriously, we are losing sleep over not knowing how some things will end up but nothing is actually certain in life. Anything can happen at any given minute, we can get hit by a car, some new information can change everything. Even if something external doesn’t ruin your plans, you can change. Your headspace isn’t certain, your feelings aren’t, not at all. That, to me was the scary part, not being able to trust the longevity of my ideas and emotions. Now it’s a relief.
I don’t know about you, but my life is full of uncertainties. And I used to create this illusion for myself where I thought I knew what would happen. The dream was so vivid that I was convinced that I’d live them. I thought I was on track, I knew what I was doing, everything’s according to the plan, then BAM. Every “solid” ground I stood on was swept away from under my feet and I found myself falling. I fell for a while. Now, I’m floating instead.
Honestly, nothing tangible changed, it’s just takes a shift in your headspace. I have no idea what’s going to happen and that’s been the case for a while but this is the first time that I’m cool with it. We won’t ever know how things will turn out and we will always live with this uncertainty, but one thing is certain. You will always have you, and you got you.
That’s how to make peace with uncertainty: know that you’ll be fine either way. You have this unique approach that brought you so many things in life, why don’t you trust it a little more? Yes, life is full of unknowns and uncertainties, but it has always been this way. So whatever comes your way, trust that you can handle it. You got this.
So work on you, become the best you, have a great relationship with yourself so that whatever life throws at you, know that you can handle it. Wherever you end up in, you can be happy and you can find your community. First, be there for yourself and tell that you’ll figure it out. I mean it’s you. Look at all the amazing stuff you’ve done. This is a new territory for sure but you proved yourself all the way along your journey. You can tackle this next one too. And then the next one, and then the next one 🙂
I must admit that doing this is harder if you’re a more grounded person. I’m currently in an up-in-the-air phase, living in the moment and stuff, so this kind of approach naturally makes you more open to whatever comes your way. The downside is that it’s harder to construct something because you’re not doing a lot of planning for the future if you’re in the moment, but it’s also freeing because you don’t expect anything to be certain, you welcome the uncertainty.
Letting go of expectations is a huge part of this because (drumroll): things don’t always go the way you hope them to go. That’s how I lost my innocence. So, it’s best to do whatever feels right in the moment and not fixate on the results you’ll get. Trust that you’ll get it if it’s meant to be and you’ll be just fine if it’s not.
From a spiritual point of view, nobody can take what’s yours from you. If it’s meant for you it’s meant for you. This is about trusting the process and trusting everything will happen at the right time. If it doesn’t , then it’s not what you think it is, just let go. If it doesn’t turn out the way you hoped it would be, that’s because another chapter is ahead. Every goodbye is a new hello and it’s actually delightful that life is full of surprises.
You know those movies that you know from the first scene exactly how the story will unfold? Well, if your life was a movie would you want it to be like that?
We should focus less on how things should be and see how things are. We probably won’t know where we are going. We may have an idea and we may take the steps that will take us closer to that idea, but eventually we only know what’s here and now. Confidence without clarity is disaster, we know that. But there will always be things outside your control, did you do everything that’s within your control? If yes, let’s reclaim our ability to enjoy the suspense and see what happens.
If you are alert and you react quickly to changing circumstances and learn new skills to stay on top of these changes, what kind of an uncertainty can upset you? You’ll be fine! I know we don’t like feeling out of control, but you can choose to focus on the things you can and just let go of the rest. Seeking security, some kind of certainty, or craving the sense that you are in control of things is a little toxic and it doesn’t solve anything.
And nobody is immune to uncertainty in the world because we are connected to one another with almost everything we do. And it’s a bummer but we can’t control others. There is always this element of uncertainty with anything we do with other people because we know it from ourselves that we are fickle. People change their minds, people declare wars, people do all kinds of stuff. And we all get affected by each others’ uncertainties, as if our own drama isn’t enough. So it’s better we learn how to navigate it.
I mean, what happens when you don’t embrace uncertainty? You feel stuck. If you decide to stick to all that’s (seemingly) certain and to the known territories, you won’t make any progress. And honestly, anything is better than feeling stuck. To me at least. I’d do anything to just keep going, push through in some shape or form. In that situation, where we’ll end up is uncertain but at least it’s going to be something different than this stagnant energy. I know it takes courage to embrace uncertainty and to take a leap of faith into the unknown, but those brave ones manage change most calmly. They don’t know what’s ahead, but they know that it will be something. And I bet there are miracles waiting for us in the unknown.
Key ingredients: Talent, effort, attitude.
Trust that you have all you need to get through whatever, and make sure you put in the effort. Then there’s nothing you can’t tackle. And while all these are happening, remember to have a positive and calming attitude so you can stay joyful and also inspire others around you. Nobody likes a stress-ball who somehow manages to survive a turbulent life but forgets to smile on the way!
Not knowing what’s going to happen is uncomfortable, but things always get uncomfortable at some point, because it’s life. Strength doesn’t come from a sense of certainty, but from being okay just sitting with this uncertainty, in the moment, being present, not looking forward or backward. Just being at peace with what’s here and now. And accepting whatever comes your way because it’s part of your path and part of what you attracted into your life. Don’t fear it, learn from it. Be curious about it. It’s all there for you.